Spay & Neuter

“Fix” Your Sphynx

When the Time Comes to “Fix” Your Cat

Spaying your cat is a good idea. The chief reason for this is that female cats who have been spayed cannot get uterine cancer, and their risk of other cancers is reduced by 25 or more percent. They are also less susceptible to urinary tract infections or abnormal hormones.

Neutered male cats can no longer get testicular cancer, and they live nearly 40 percent longer than male cats who are not neutered. A neutered male cannot “cat around” and impregnate multiple females and causing overpopulation. They also are far less aggressive and territorial, which also contributes to their longer lifespans.

“Fixed” cats of either gender are less prone to feline leukemia or the feline versions of HIV and AIDS. Females won’t go into heat, either, and male cats will almost always stop spraying. Cat urine is incredibly pungent and difficult to get out of most fabrics. A neutered male won’t ruin your furniture or clothes.

The Recuperating Feline

When a cat is recovering from surgery, it’s very similar to the situation when a person recovers from surgery. The cat will need a quiet, low-key spot indoors. Keep other animals away from your recovering cat. The cat should not jump from high places or run around strenuously for at least two weeks. If your veterinarian says that it’s all right before that, go with that, however.

You might have to give your cat the “cone of shame” to prevent it from licking or gnawing at the surgical site. If you don’t prevent it, your cat may accidentally infect itself, which could have dire consequences.

Because you cannot bathe your Sphynx for about 10-14 days after surgery, it’s a good idea to bathe the cat before the surgery. Always check the site of the incision to ensure proper healing and to make sure no stitches pop out. If you notice that or anything else unusual, such as swelling, redness, or weird discharge, call your vet immediately. Call, too, if your cat is listless, stops eating, is barfing, or has diarrhea.